where the lines overlap

My misanthropist side


Sometimes, it wouldn’t be a waste
to walk on, over the cliff,
and defeat, it ain’t such sour taste
but maybe it would be a relief
but it won’t
slow you down

new year’s same old bullshit

Ok, guys stop with all the bullshit I’ve been reading in the last 2 minutes I’ve been on facebook.
Do you really want this year to be awesome? Be fucking awesome! Stop blaming everything on destiny or fate, or worse, on the others. Start doing a little self-criticism. Don’t be self-indulgent, beat the crap out of yourself and LIVE. For fuck’s sake, LIVE and stop existing only.
Most of the time, you decide what your year will be like, not a stupid number on the calendar.
Do you want to witness a change? Be that fucking change and stop annoying everyone with your fears!

Best regards to all of you.


Maybe I should apologise for something that I have said/done.
There is a bit of irony in it because, at first, everybody liked my intention to be myself and speak my mind without caring about the others’ reactions. Now I am kindly requested (even through the torture of silence) to stop talking about some topics.

So, let’s make a list of what I can’t talk about:
– my low opinion of LSU;
– my opinion of actors (even though it’s playful – even though the others can be harsh on the ones that I like or find funny, and I don’t even frown, because who cares!);
– my opinion of some bands, or music styles (even though in certain contexts and with certain people I could be more or less bitter about it – even though the others can be harsh on the ones that I like, and I don’t even frown, because who cares! );
– my opinion.

What I find particularly annoying is that nobody seems to care when I talk about topics that really matter to me. So, of course I have to talk about these fucking topics. I’m forced to, if I want to have a conversation.
I’m not trying playing the victim here. I’m just being honest once again.

In conclusion: I’m sorry for the kind of person that I have been. But, you know, I’m not perfect and neither are you.

neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring

Being stuck in the middle sucks. Just saying.
You’re neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring. There must be someone like me, somewhere.
It’s a shared thought that similar people must have the same feelings about, er, every fucking thing.
I personally disagree with this one. People may just agree on something and be different for the rest, but I don’t believe in symbiotic relationships. Maybe this is why I’m fearing loneliness right now.

annoying questions

You know, I’m tired of the question “why don’t you sing anymore?”. Well, how can I put this…try to do what you really love (in my case it’ll be rehearsals full of mistakes) when everyone else is staring at you like you were the last damn friggin panda in the world trying to get laid. That’s how I feel. How can I stop takin’ myself too seriously when everybody else does? Please folks, have a little decency and fuck yourself for once.
Aaaand that’s all for today.
Thank you for your kind attention.


People have to stop acting like saints.
I see how life works: appearance, commitment, few time, lies, white lies, deceiving, etc.
I’m tired of all the people complaining about the others, and that’s also what I’m doing. Oh, irony!
I’m tired of reading, hearing this sentence: “people let us down”, “people say that they will always be there but they just won’t”, “people screw things up”. And how could you, appearance addicted, make assumption on anyone else’s life?
Come on. Aren’t you “people” too?
We are all people. We lie, we work, we sleep, we have fun, we live basically for ourselves. Every damn one of us sometimes has called someone not being around just to ask for a favor. Each one of us ditched someone for any reason possible in this world, mainly because they were uncomfortable with that someone.
We are all people. We are not perfect. And we are NOT married to everybody. What the hell do you want from the others? If you expect perfection from your parents, I can tell you this: don’t worry, they’re human too.
We are animals, humans, call us as you want, but you won’t change the fact that we are all imperfect.
The main reason of our lives is ourselves. Nothing else.
The one who does everything for the others acts that way because it makes him feel better with himself. And don’t tell me that I’m wrong, ‘cause I won’t believe you.
I know this. It’s how humans work. It’s what humans do. Maybe you don’t want to realize that, but believe me, you’re not perfect. I’m not perfect either, and I don’t even want to be perfect.

Mr. Average

Just for once, I wanted to play like I really cared.
For once I wanted to see things properly done.
JUST FOR ONCE, damn it, I wanted to be someone who cared about their public face.
No. According to them I am a bitch who tries to destroy everything.
All I wanted was to have a memory in which I was, we were, doing things right, after a long time of wrong.
All I wanted was to make sure that people would understand how things should be done.
After a long time I wanted to be above the average. But, as it turned out, “above the average” is too much to ask.
I’m tired of being in the average, I’m tired of being Mr. Average.


It’s a nice day, and all I can think about is “I hate the world right now”. Nice, uh? I hate it when people speak without knowing the whole truth (as we’ve already seen). I hate it when I don’t feel comfortable with myself. I hate it when I feel like waiting for something/someone and I don’t even know what/whom. I hate it when people are not what I expect them to be, but that’s because I’m angry for no reason at all. Am I a psychopath? Even if I were, I don’t think that it could change a bit the things that I see.
I’m starting to feel like a teen-ager again, and I also hate this part. Acting like a victim is not me. I am not a victim, never was, never will be.

It’s a sunny day, after a big storm but it’s still so confused. Maybe I’m worried about the next month and the things that I’ll have to do. Maybe I’m not and I’m trying to realize why. Or maybe it’s just a momentary lapse in concentration. Maybe it’s apathy again.

You see, I’m taking my life in the right direction, in the right track, instead of the road to nowhere I was in before, and I’m really enjoying the journey.

Then why am I so uneasy, so upset?

People, you are really making me sick.
– Misanthropy –

what’s making me sick

I really wish I wasn’t here writing these words, but I’m really upset about something.
Maybe my misanthropist side today is stronger than ever, or maybe people are just too stupid and time-server.
I CAN’T stand when people speak without knowing the whole truth (in case it exists). I CAN’T stand when they take advantage of natural events to try to destroy someone else’s public image.

People who haven’t been here for a long time and tried to sink everything that was good just because they didn’t like the place. People who now want some fucking money and try to be part of the local administration. People who want it so bad. People who are only able to take down the others to make their own way.

I have something to tell you, people:
Yeah, they’ve been there before you did, and they have done a lot for this town without you knowing, because, oh that’s funny!, because you didn’t care. And now what? Things were not right the way they were just because you want to take their place now? It doesn’t make any sense. NOW this town deserves your marvellous presence? C’mon dudes, it has been great without your poisonous words. Now you’re just making me sick.