where the lines overlap

Archive for August, 2012

it’s all about feeling good

I don’t want to seem the one who feels better than the others. I’m not better than anyone. I’m shit, and I’m aware of it.
All I can do in life is trying to make my existence interesting and worth living for myself.
And I’ve found out that this is the best way to keep on. I’m sorry if you, my friends, felt something different; I’m sorry if I may have seemed rude to you. It was not my intention. All I want is to feel good, better. I’m tired of being miserable, and I don’t want you to feel miserable.
You deserve all the good in life, and you have the right to earn it. It’s not easy at all. But I can tell you that you’ll feel more satisfied than ever when you find yourself in the right tracks.
I want you to feel that good.
I even want you to feel better than that good.